Strengthening health systems and expanding access to high quality family planning, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS and maternal health services is critical for reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. Dr. Hardee has focused much of her career on policy development and assessment, including operational policies, and approaches to scaling up to improve health systems.
Dr. Hardee is an expert in enhancing evidence use in policies and programs. She has worked extensively in family planning, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS and maternal health through implementation science, policy and program development and assessment, monitoring and evaluation, and capacity building. She has led work on defining, operationalizing and measuring rights-based approaches to family planning (see What Works Association website for highlights of this work).
She has also worked on quality of care, and quality improvement, reducing barriers to access, and integration of FP/RH and HIV/AIDS services, identifying neglected maternal health morbidities, and adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH). Dr. Hardee has also collaborated on assessments of social accountability for health programming. She is a member of the Technical Advisory Group for the Family Planning High Impact Practice (HIP) Initiative.
See Dr. Hardee’s CV for a full list of relevant publications.
Gender barriers continue to impede equity in human development. Dr. Hardee has extensive experience with evidence-based gender programming, beginning under FHI’s Women’s Studies project in the 1990s. She has been a longtime member of the Interagency Gender Working Group. She has assessed male engagement in family planning, including programming for men, and contributed to a strategic guidance document on engaging men and boys in family planning for the FP High Impact Practice Initative. She is currently collaborating on an assessment of male engagement in family planning Costed Implementation Plans (CIPs).
Dr. Hardee has assessed health programming from a gender lens and has conducted research in a number of countries, including contributing to the development of a National Gender Strategy for the Ministry of Public Health in Afghanistan. Dr. Hardee has conducted reviews of programming for adolescents. Dr. Hardee is a co-author of What Works: Evidence for HIV and AIDS Interventions for Women and Girls, a compilation of data from over 450 interventions in 90 countries, and has co-authored a number of articles based on the evidence.
See Dr. Hardee’s CV for a full list of relevant publication.
Changes in the environment and weather are having a profound effect on human populations worldwide. Dr. Hardee has led initiatives on climate change, gender and population and resilience to environmental stressors, including climate change. She is a regarded thinker on the links between climate change adaptation and sustainable development and participated in working groups on population dynamics and climate compatible development (hosted by PRB and Worldwatch), and population dynamics and the sustainable development goals (hosted by UNFPA).
Through the What Works Association, Dr. Hardee serves on the Advisory Board for the Stable Planet Alliance. Dr. Hardee was a reviewer for the IPCC’s 5th Assessment Report Working Group II chapter on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability and her work is cited in the 5th Assessment Report. She has provided guest lectures on population and climate change in courses on population and development at Georgetown University. She has made numerous presentations on climate change and population, the global architecture for climate change adaptation policies and funding, and the need to include social sectors in climate change adaptation.
She has also published a range of articles, book chapters, working papers and blogs, including defining and measuring resilience in the context of Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) programming.
See Dr. Hardee’s CV for a full list of relevant publications.
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